Outstanding KS1 history lessons on Man’s First Moon Landing

moon landing

This topic grew out of teachers’ desire for ‘something different’ and more immediate. Nothing prepared them for quite how popular this would become, not least with parents, carers, and grandparents. You will find a growing number of lessons on this theme as more and more schools develop excellent practice.

With the lessons included here, you will find plenty of exciting approaches. In the lesson on what happened when the astronauts stepped onto the moon, the children research, still image and then create a simple video sequence, before looking at real archival footage. By contrast the lesson on would you take a Golden Ticket deals with bigger issues as to whether space travel should be continued. The use of deBono’s thinking hats proved really helpful here. You can see how the individual lessons fit within a broader scheme of work by looking at the downloadable KS1 history medium-term planner called the Moon Landing found in the planning section.

Our class have just used your Moon Landing planning and thoroughly enjoyed it. They loved being out of their seats looking for clues, matching evidence and working in groups to sequence and discuss. The debate as to whether or not they would go to the moon if they were given the opportunity lead to some interesting discussions. Thank you for yet another inspiring unit.  Karen Davies KS1 teacher

Planner, assessment task and knowledge organiser

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moon landing
Moon landing knowledge organiser – KS1

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KS1 Medium Term Planner – Man’s First Moon Landing Y2

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Moon Landing – KQ1 – Has man ever been to the moon and how can we know for sure?

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Moon Landing – KQ2 – Why did the astronauts risk their lives going to the moon?

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Moon Landing – KQ3 – How were they able to get to the moon and back safely?

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Moon Landing – KQ4 – What did they do on the moon?

This lesson uses differentiated resources as a starting point to help children access the detail of man’s first steps on…

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moon landing
Moon Landing – KQ5 – Would you take the Golden Ticket and travel to the moon?

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apollo 11
Moon Landing – KQ6 – Commemorating the Moon Landing

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