If you are teaching about Bonfire night, Guy Fawkes or the Gunpowder Plot you will find the planning advice and fully resourced Outstanding Lessons provided here of particular value. The first lesson is called A moving story. Pupils hear the story of the Gunpowder Plot in different parts of the room before a final role play in the cellar of the Houses of Parliament.
Full list of Gunpowder plot resources >>
You might want to follow this with an activity called Dear Producer. How we should tell the story of the Gunpowder Plot? Pupils predict what a TV programme should show and then evaluate a real example. Their comments are then sent to the television company. If you need a detailed plan for your work on the Gunpowder Plot, have a close look at the resource entitled: Planning the Learning journey: The Gunpowder Plot click here.
- Prove it using a gallery of images This skilfully differentiated lesson places pupils in the role of detectives that have to find evidence to back up statements that have been made about the Gunpowder plot. They are given responsibility for a range of statements provided as resource cards carefully matched to their learning needs. They work in pairs to find evidence that backs up the statements they have been given. They do this using the gallery approach, whereby 19 key images are placed around the room. Pupils with clipboards and recording sheets set off the hunt down the images that match the statements. With full lesson plan and resources.
- A moving story. Pupils hear the story of the Gunpowder Plot in different parts of the room before a final role play in the cellar of the Houses of Parliament.
Smart Task
- Gunpowder Plot: Dear producer Pupils predict what a short video clip should show and then evaluate a real example.
Using drama to teach the Gunpowder Plot at Key Stage 1: a big hat, a candle and a sleeping guard.
You may choose to use drama for any number of reasons. You might simply want to recap the story. Perhaps your aim is to deepen children’s understanding of the plotters’ motivation. You might merely want to illustrate the real tension of the period. Whichever reason governs your choice, the following drama session should achieve your aim, and hopefully all three!