Students create event cards for homework by way of preparation for creating a multi strand living graph showing the degree of threat to Henry VII from different quarters and how it changed over time. They look at a the range of different AS/A2 questions asked on that topic and then have to answer ‘To what extent did the threat to Henry’s security decrease as the reign progressed?’ They respond to 13 challenging influence cards before making a judgement about which were the most significant turning points in terms of Henry VII’s security.


To prepare for the task, students have been asked to write on slips of paper any event that posed a threat to Henry and any that showed he was not under threat. These need to be brought to the lesson. Knowing that some will not have done this thoroughly a set of ‘backstop’ cards has been produced as Resource Sheet RS2.

Step 1

Set the lesson up using the PowerPoint presentation. Explain that there are lots of questions that could be asked about the security of Henry VII’s position. Sheet RS1 should be given out. Stress that the precise question being tackled in the lesson today is

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