This Y10 lesson provides a very good balance between thought and activity. Having discussed  the differences between a propaganda film and a documentary, students have to find as many as 20

different ways in which the short excerpt from Leni Riefenstahl’s film could be construed as propaganda. There is a competitive post-it challenge element to the lesson which makes it fun and memorable, as well as deepening understanding of Hitler’s methods of propaganda.

I am grateful to Richard McFahn for adding the PowerPoint to this lesson.

Learning objectives

  • to encourage students to critically evaluate a source (the film) and to engage in a real historical debate to encourage a more kinaesthetic approach to learning history than normally found at Key Stage 4.
  • to encourage students to write a convincing argument, drawing on the evidence they have elicited from the film and broader preparatory reading

Step 1: Starter

Explain to the

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