Hodder produce some of the best GCSE books on Germany whether for the Modern World and for the SHP Depth Module. They have now added an innovative digital dimension with great web links and activities. Resource on Hitler Youth.
This is part of Hodder Education’s new resources. To find out more click here
Teachers of this extremely popular topic will not be short of ideas and resources. Rather than repeating the well-worn approaches, I have gone for a slightly unusual tack with each. The lesson on Weimar asks students to interpret a 1924 election campaign poster – written in German!! The living graph lesson on Hitler’s rise asks students to look for patterns as does the forthcoming lesson on early unrest in the Weimar Republic.
For more able students, you will find that the lesson on the Gestapo really makes students think about the nature of evidence and the way sources can be interpreted differently. The lesson on Battalion 101 has proved remarkably successful in encouraging students to consider the motivation of those who carried out Hitler’s orders. Students are surprised by what they discover.
You will see that I have included as a downloadable resource what I call the 4 strikes approach to teaching this topic. Students encounter different variations of the specification’s questions on four different occasions. It could be in the lesson or for homework, it could be in an end of module past question test. It will almost certainly be in either the Year 10 examination or the Y11 mock and may well be revisited in revision sessions.
Here is a helpful Reichstag Fire Roleplay developed by John Clare and then by Russell Tarr.