Your best place to start is undoubtedly the AQA scheme of work which offers learning foci for each of the three strands. Unlike the schemes of work for the other options, however, there are no suggested activities so you will need to develop your own. You might also consider looking at the types of strategies that work well for the History of Medicine and then adapt them to this context.
- The Development of the Media
- The Social and Political Impact of the Mass Media
- Controlling the Mass Media Media in the age of writing c.3,000BC to 1450 AD
- The Media in the Age of Print.
- The Media in the Age of Radio and Cinema. 1920-50
- The Media in the age of Television 1950-80
- The Media in the digital, interactive and multi-choice age 1980 – the present day.
A valuable website to visit is the National Media Museum