This enquiry-led activity focuses on students considering the possible evidence base, as well as knowing how to evaluate existing evidence intelligently.  It starts with a humorous cartoon which is slowly-revealed and carefully analysed.  Its value as evidence for the enquiry is then scrutinised.  This sets the tone for students to set up their own line of enquiry.


Learning objectives

  • Students are able to infer meaning from a cartoon and comment on the significance of the date.
  • They are able to evaluate a political cartoon.
  • They are able to suggest possible sources of evidence to be used when setting up their own enquiry.
  • They analyse a range of possible sources of evidence in terms of usefulness.

Step 1

As a motivating starter students are shown a cartoon from 1830 showing a policeman talking to a water pump!  Many of you may be familiar with it if you have used Colin

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