Q1. What is APP? An old idea with a new name?
A1. At present the plans to roll out APP across subjects have been stalled, even at KS3 let alone KS4 but it is still worth considering its intentions, which I think were sound.It was badged as the new national approach to assessment that equips teachers to:
• make periodic judgements on pupils’ progress,
• fine tune their understanding of learners’ needs, and
• tailor their planning and teaching accordingly
Comment: I would not call that ‘new’, would you? Aren’t we doing this already when we assess formatively and summatively? If not, what has all the millions spent on AfL been for? I see the whole APP as an attempt to rationalise what is already there and to bring consistency across subjects.
Q 2. What will APP history materials consist of?
A2. There will be:
• guidelines for