Teaching and Learning at key stage 3>
8 retrieval tasks that really work in history
This list is by no means exhaustive nor is it linked to just one key stage. You can think of…
Read MoreEvaluating websites in history at KS3-5: 3 pieces of top advice
Students are too trusting of what they read on the Internet. Most striking, they implicitly trust Google to verify sources…
Read MoreUsing history puzzles to encourage deep cross-curricular thinking.
I would strongly urge you to consider throwing in a few of these from time to time. Here is a…
Read MorePersonalised learning in history at KS 3
This is certainly one of the key areas to be focusing on in the next few years and lies at…
Read MoreGender issues in history at Key Stage 3
For all the research that has taken place recently to try to close the gender gap it is probably safe…
Read MoreGifted and talented in history at Key Stage 3
Provision for gifted and talented pupils has never been more in the spotlight than now. For all the work that…
Read MoreMotivating pupils in history at Key Stage 3
Much work has recently been done on engaging pupils in the early years of Key Stage 3, largely because of…
Read MoreHistory for pupils with English as an Additional Language at Key Stage 3
Much of this article draws on the KS3 National Strategy document Access and Engagement in history: Teaching pupils for whom…
Read MoreS.E.N. in history at Key Stage 3
We would all agree that history is a subject which is both accessible and has relevance to all pupils, including…
Read MoreUsing artefacts in your history teaching at Key Stage 3
In my experience pupils have less and less contact with historical artefacts as they move through the educational system. Whilst…
Read MoreTeaching using ICT and film at Key Stage 3
You won’t be surprised to see ICT and film in the same section, but the breakthroughs in editing digitised film…
Read MoreTeaching chronology at Key Stage 3
Much neglected for many years, the teaching of chronology is now back centre-stage. Already, leading thinkers such as Ian…
Read MoreTeaching interpretations at Key Stage 3. Neglected and misunderstood
It came as no surprise to read in OFSTED’s report ‘History in the Balance’ that the ‘key element’ of interpretations…
Read MoreTeaching Enquiry at Key Stage 3
Pupils should learn how to identify and investigate, individually and as part of a team, specific historical questions or issues,…
Read MoreFit for purpose teaching strategies in history at KS3
Having bright ideas for what might make a fun and interesting approach is one thing. Knowing when it is most…
Read MoreWhat to look for in excellent history lessons: Your starter for 12
It has been a while since OFSTED published any revised criteria. With the departure of chief history HMI Mike Maddison…
Read MoreThe teaching process in history at KS3
With so much emphasis placed on the three-part lesson, due largely to the National Strategy, it is tempting to follow…
Read More‘100’ Great Teaching Ideas for teaching history at Key Stage 3
This is a massive section on the site, and one that you may quarry for years. I have listed here…