Most of you will have already carried out some form of self-evaluation and will have a shrewd idea as to what you need to do. Getting the priorities right, however, is often more complex.  If your GCSE results were much lower than expected or there are problems with a couple of teaching groups it is difficult to say that your priority must be to get the VLE up and running.  Most of my work with subject leaders involves me asking them questions about why they are tackling things in the order they have chosen. Normally, no-one else asks that question.  What this short article offers is a way into three much longer and more probing papers. But first , one subject leader wrote to me over the summer with their Top 10 resolutions for the new academic year. Although this was a few years ago now, the principles remain the same. Having a clear sense of where you want your department to be in 12 months time, and having  an action plan of how to get there must be worth the time creating a plan. What would your look like for 2015-16?

The other files

1. The first outlines what

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