This enjoyable session has serious intent: to question some careless assumptions about castle building that often creep into Y7 teaching about castles.
The idea is that pupils start to seriously question just how quickly and dramatically things really did change. It works like this. 5 teams of three take it in turns to appear at the front desks – made up to look like a TV panel show. Each player in the team has to convince the audience that they are making the true statement – even though they may be false. So they will need to elaborate their answer not just read from the card. To make matters more complicated, sometimes there is more than one right answer.
You might like to include a scoring system to make it more involving for the audience. Indeed you might like to add another 15 statements so that everyone has a go at making a statement. As it is at least 15 are centrally involved in the game and must cast their vote in all the other 4 rounds.
Harlech Castle Gatehouse – Wikpedia