Reasons for studying this period above the other tempting options are:

  • The Mughal Empire was the greatest of the Muslim empires of the early modern period.
  • The Mughal Emperor ruled over an estimated 100 million people at a time when Elizabeth I ruled over a population of 3 million
  • The history of the Mughal Empire is full of drama, diversity, big ideas and phenomenal creativity. It has enormous potential to fire pupils’ curiosity and imagination.
  • A study of the Mughal Empire can encourage pupils to consider fundamental questions of identity and diversity.
  • A study of the Mughal Empire is critical if pupils are to understand the diversity, tensions and achievements of modern India one of the most populous places on the planet.
  • For pupils of Asian origin, the Mughal Empire is a central part of their heritage and personal identity.
  • The close, complex and long-lasting relationship between Britain and the
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