It has always difficult to keep this section of the site totally up-to-date. This is not only because of the fast-changing nature of technology but also because schools use such different hardware and software. Instead of trying to be comprehensive, I have simply outlined the best of what I have seen personally and then to point you in the direction of the best available advice.
The most recent publication to help you bring yourself up-to-date in this fast-changing world is called ‘Using new technologies to enhance teaching and learning in history’. (2013) Edited by Terry Haydn and published by Routledge, the book contains chapters on, amongst others :
- History wikis
- Using blogs and podcasts in the history classroom
- Using QR codes
- Using Alternative Reality games
- Tools for the tech savvy history teacher
- History webquests
Rather than describe each of these, I suggest you refer directly to this book.