Teaching history at Key stage 2 (KS2)>
Benin – KQ6 – Should the Benin Bronzes be returned? SMART TASK
This lesson is guaranteed to provoke a lively debate. Armed with all the contextual knowledge they need, and stimulated by…
Read MoreA six step approach to history lessons
Step 1: Teacher motivates pupils to want to learn and scopes the enquiry Hooking them in: eg. with a slow…
Read More10 questions which we should ask when planning historical enquiries at KS2
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Read MoreProgression in historical interpretations at Key Stage 2 – How the past is represented and interpreted in different ways, and to give reasons for this
Beginning of Key Stage Children can identify differences between versions of the same event e.g. the video gives a different…
Read MoreUsing timelines in history at Key Stage 2
Timelines in school may be individual timelines or made collaboratively with different groups working on separate theme within a study…
Read MoreKey ideas in primary history
When we are teaching 11 subjects it is often difficult to catch the essence of each. If we’re not careful…
Read MoreHow to assess pupils’ progress in KS2 history. At last the answer that not only works but will work for you too.
Even though we will have had the National Curriculum for history ( albeit in different guises) for nearly 30 years,…
Read MoreWhat is history? – Key stage 2
In the classrooms of some non-specialist Key Stage 2 teachers, history is still presented as the story of the past….
Read MoreThe top 10 things you need to know about chronology at KS2, but were afraid to ask.
The top 10 things you need to know about chronology at KS2, but were afraid to ask. 1. There is…
Read MorePlanner for teaching early Islamic civilization at KS2
For many schools this is new topic and one to be taught with particular sensitivity in the 21st century. Try…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ2 part 2 – Boudicca’s rebellion: from sequencing to living graph
This KS2 lesson on Roman Britain uses the idea of a living graph to see the ups and downs of…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ2 part 2 additional information – Boudica’s rebellion: from sequencing to living graph
The focus on the dramatic story of Boudica is a good opportunity to help pupils to understand why things happen…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ2 part 2 additional information – Making sure you are teaching Boudica in the right way.
Let’s start with the name. Boudica is the correct spelling, not Boudicea. Boudica means ‘victory’. Her chariots were light, springy,…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ2 part 3 – What image do we have of Boudica today?
Key Stage 2 pupils find Boudica fascinating so this is a good context for exploring the tricky ideas of historical…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ3 – How were the Romans able to keep control over such a vast empire?
This lesson offers considerable variety in terms of learning approaches. Pupils work in tug-of-war teams to represent the differently weighted…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ4 part 1 – Picture this. Creating a group drawing of a Roman town with all key buildings included in the right place
After re-capping the main features of Iron Age settlements, pupils work collaboratively in role as spies trying to find which…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ4 part 2 – Is this another Roman villa?
NB Feb 28 2020. It has been brought to our attention this morning that the link to the video doesn’t work…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ5 – How can we solve the mystery of why this great 400 year empire suddenly came to an end? Can you make the links?
As this is a brief overview question, without time for much independent research, pupils are introduced to a series of…
Read MoreRoman Britain – KQ6 – What have the Romans ever done for us? Under the cloth
This activity is a good fun way of concluding a study of the Romans. It is called ‘under the cloth’. …
Read More10 things history leaders need to know about the new OFSTED 2019 Framework
10 things you need to know about leading history 1. Show you are teaching history You will have to show…
Read MoreMedium term planning for history at KS2
KS2 History Planning and Plans All compulsory National Curriculum topics now have full medium-term plans rated as outstanding by OFSTED. …
Read MoreTop 10 tasks for effective history subject leaders
We all need reminding of what our core purposes are from time to time as we get caught up in…
Read MoreHow effective was Anglo-Saxon justice: what should we do with Edgar?
Pupils work in groups to create a series of short dramatic enactments, each of which illustrates a way of keeping…
Read MoreHow have recent excavations changed our view of the Vikings? Key Question 4
Using the Mantle of the Expert approach, pupils help a confused museum curator to write high quality captions for 11…
Read MoreOutstanding medium-term planner for Vikings
This KS2 Vikings planner, judged outstanding by an OFSTED history inspector now links to all the fully-resourced outstanding lessons and…
Read MoreTeaching Anglo Saxons & Vikings Outstanding lessons for KS2 history
The National Curriculum has afforded separate status for individual units of work on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Whilst this may…
Read MoreVikings – KQ1 – What image do we have of the Vikings?
This two part session gives the topic on the Vikings a really active start. Following an introduction to the Vikings…
Read MoreVikings – KQ2 – Why have the Vikings gained such a bad reputation?
Having explored the nature of the stereotypical Viking image in the first session, it is now time to examine the…
Read MoreVikings – KQ3 – How did the Vikings try to take over the country and how close did they get?
This task encapsulates the struggle between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings in an engaging way that really makes pupils think…
Read MoreVikings – KQ3 Additional Resource – How did the Vikings try to take over the country and how close did they get?
This article supports KQ3 The first raids early 790s 1. In 789 three ships from Norway landed in Dorset. The…
Read MoreJust how great was Alfred? Can we beat the BBC website? Anglo-Saxons Key Question 5
In this outstanding lesson, pupils are asked to critique and then improve the BBC children’s website entry for Alfred. But…
Read MoreVikings – KQ4 – How have recent excavations changed our view of the Vikings?
Evidence of Viking occupation Using the Mantle of the Expert approach, pupils help a confused museum curator to write high…
Read MoreVikings – KQ4 Supporting information – The invisible Vikings?
Key Question 4 address the key issue of evidence to support, or contradict, the idea that the Vikings were simply…
Read MoreEarly Islamic civilization – KQ1 – Why should we study the early Islamic civilizations in school today? SMART TASK
One of the misfortunes of a long history of stereotyping and conflict between Islam and the West is that it…
Read MoreEarly Islamic civilization – KQ2 – How was the Islamic civilization able to spread so far, so quickly?
In this demanding but important overview session pupils have to work out from clues the key reasons for Islam’s growth…
Read MoreEarly Islamic civilization – KQ3 – What can we learn about early Islamic civilization from the way they set up the capital at Baghdad?
Pupils are first asked to design a picture showing what Baghdad would have looked like 1,000 years ago. It is…
Read MoreEarly Islamic civilization – KQ4 – What was so special about Baghdad in its Golden Age?
In it’s Golden Age, ten times more people lived in Baghdad than in London. So what was so special about…
Read MoreEarly Islamic civilization – KQ5 – Just how amazing was daily life for rich people in Islamic cities such as Baghdad and Cordoba?
Pupils in role as rich Saxon visitors to 10C Islamic cities, have to capture the essence of these amazingly sophisticated…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ1 – Why do we study the Maya in history at KS2?
Following a brief introduction to locate the Mayan civilization in time and place, stress that we knew very little about…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ2 – Reasons why the Maya empire grew – When so much of the land they lived in was mountain and jungle, how did the Maya manage to become so important?
This is a contentious area and historians cannot be sure so it is a quick overview type lesson. Learning objectives…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ3 – What was everyday life in Mayan civilization? How different was it for rich and poor?
Having been introduced to the nature of Mayan society with its clear hierarchy, and having seen various models and artists’…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ4 – How can we possibly know what was life like for the Mayan people 1,000 years ago? SMART TASK
Introduction This multi-faceted enquiry ranges from scene-setting story telling, and making deductions (using the strategies Zones of Inference and Prove…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ5 – Mayan civilization and human sacrifice
KQ5 If the Maya were so civilized why then did they carry out human sacrifice? SMART TASK Please note that…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ5 additional information – Ideas to support your teaching of the Maya religious practices
How will you present cultural practices that differ from our own, such as human sacrifice, as practised by the Maya?…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ6 – Why did the Mayan empire decline? How can we solve the riddle of why the Mayan empire ended so quickly?
When there are apparently 88 competing theories about the end of the Mayan civilization where do pupils start? Well, having…
Read MoreY6 pupils play film detectives to learn about government propaganda SMART TASK
Using a short Ministry of Information film, which last just 8 minutes and can be accessed online here (please note…
Read MoreMayan civilisation – KQ6 – Additional information – Why did 90% of Maya ‘disappear’ around 900AD?
This article comes largely from the Historical Association website https://www.history.org.uk/primary/categories/934/module/8747/resource-sharing-hub-key-stage-2/9839/non-european-society Around 900AD, most of the Maya disappeared from the historical…
Read MoreKS2 Islam -Today is anniversary of start of Building of Baghdad
If you are teaching Islamic civilization at KS2 you might like to watch a short podcast which looks at the start…
Read MoreBrief 10 question diagnostic assessment task for KS2 Ancient Egypt
Pupils have to answer 10 fairly open ended questions for which answers are provided reflecting the knowledge and understanding outlined…
Read MorePlanning for teaching Ancient Greece KS2
The main foci throughout this planner are: Ideas, Beliefs, Attitudes (especially the role of women); Way of life (contrasting Athens…
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