This scheme of work, judged outstanding by an OFSTED history inspector now links to all the fully-resourced outstanding lessons and activities making the teaching of this topic completely self-contained. Not only does it ensure that you cover all the significant content, and develop key historical skills and conceptual understanding, it does so in a really imaginative way that your pupils will absolutely love. Just read the reviews.

Just wanted to let you know that the History lessons on the Stone Age to Iron Age have gone so well. The children love the challenge of a question as a framework and this leads to all sorts of other questions. The PowerPoint and slides have been printed off and adapted to my class. They have really worked well in partnered work and group work and this is leading to lots of Art, Drama and English work. I couldn’t have asked for more really. I wasn’t looking forward to losing my Victorian topic to the Stone to Iron Age but it has really been a joy. Gill Kenny, Bathwick St Mary Primary School, Bath.

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