Using the expert/envoy technique to research and disseminate information from dossiers on a range of different aspects of Shang society, pupils have to show how good a teacher they are in terms of making the knowledge they are passing on stick with their classmates.
Learning objectives
- Pupils build their knowledge of a range of aspects of Shang society: social structure, power of the ruler, nature of cities and building materials and ways of making a living, food and transport etc
- They know that society was well organised with its calendar, form of writing, taxes etc.
- Pupils develop best ways of communicating knowledge to increase chances of what is being taught is being learnt.
Envoy/Expert strategy
Step 1
Pupils are attached to different expert groups each with a dossier to read and build their knowledge on 1 of 6 topics. RS1 provides some bare bones facts which you will want to