This KS2 enquiry comprises three outstanding activities:

6a. Advising the film director

To imaginatively reconstruct the scene using a variety of evidence

6b. Prove it!

Using a gallery of images to test the evidence


An imaginative journey to the theatre showing different experience depending on position in society


Show slide 2 of the PowerPoint called Key Question 6 Introduction. Three images offer clues as to three of the most popular past times: cock fighting, bear baiting and football.  Can pupils work out what they are?

It will strike most pupils that these are rather brutal pursuits.The opening statement and images on slide 3 may surprise them even more, showing how Queen Elizabeth herself loved bull baiting and hunting and hawking.

It is important that pupils realise that there were other non-violent pursuits too – as outlined on slide 5.

Also stress the difference in experience between the rich

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