We all need reminding of what our core purposes are from time to time as we get caught up in the daily round of frantic activity that is school life today. So i just thought i’d provide a simple list in the form of When did you last? questions. In no particular order
- When did you last support a year team in planning a topic with a substantial element of history?
- When did you last identify CPD needs of staff?
- When did you last look at pupils’ work, from any year group, in a systematic way?
- When did you last audit your resources to ensure that all topics are well-resourced and any gaps plugged?
- When did you last make a judgement about the quality of work in history in any class/year team/keystage?
- When did you last assess whether the subject is being better taught than in the past?
- When did you last enhance the learning environment?
- When did you last make contacts and links outside the school, with other subject leaders/museums etc?
- When did you last create or amend your action plan for improving history?
- When did you last visit a class where history was being taught?
In a short while I will be returning to this theme looking at what a history subject leader should be doing in particular months of the year, under the title My history subject leader’s NewYear resoultions for 2019.