At both KS1 and KS2 it would be good to focus on one individual and see the extent to which they embodied the principles of the Olympic movement-in this case over 100-years ago and then ask how things have changed.
Introduce the 1908 marathon and Dorando
Show the pupils a photograph of Dorando Pietri (see below). Explain that his first major race was in Italy in 1904 where he beat a famous athlete wearing his ordinary work clothes! Why would this be so difficult? He then continued to be successful and by 1907 was considered the greatest distance runner in all Italy.
He qualified for the 1908 marathon in London by running the 25-mile course in 2 hours 38 minutes,
The Olympics in 1908 were held in London on a hot summer’s day. The race began and Dorando was running at a steady pace until around 20 miles when he