Ever since the Gunpowder Plot was included in the Programme of Study for Key Stage 1, there have been howls of protest from infant teachers who protest that it is futile trying to teach KS1 pupils the motivation behind Guy Fawkes’ actions.  Whilst I do not entirely agree with this view, I do have some sympathy with it. What I advise, instead of studying Guy Fawkes as a person, is to look mainly at the plot itself, particularly its episodes, its drama and the human issues involved.

It lends itself so well to story telling, sequencing, role play, and hot seating .
If you need a detailed plan for your work on the Gunpowder Plot, have a close look at the resource below:


 Planning the Learning journey: The Gunpowder Plot 

If you are looking for something more accessible for Year 1 pupils, you will find that we have concentrated on looking at Bonfire Night in the past, with the concept of similarity and difference at the heart of the work. See the lessons and smart tasks on this.

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