Teaching history at Key stage 1>
Outstanding Lessons: Key Stage 1
If you have ever searched the internet for inspiration for your history sessions you will know how frustrating it can…
Read MoreTeaching Toys to Key Stage 1
Toys is an obvious topic to select for infants. Not only is it appealing , at least initially, it is…
Read MoreKS1 Medium term planner: Toys through time (Term 1 or 2 of Y1)
This is one of the earliest topics to be taught at EYFS/KS1 following on from Myself. As we know this…
Read MoreToys – KQ1 – What are our toys like today?
Because the topic is aimed at children beginning key stage 1, it is a good idea to spend more time…
Read MoreToys – KQ2 – What are other people’s toys like?
This session comprises two very simple tasks: matching objects to the young children who would usually play with them, followed…
Read MoreAre you teaching the right things about Mary Seacole to your children? 10 things to be sure to teach
Are you teaching the right things about Mary Seacole to your children? 10 things to be sure to teach: 1….
Read MoreKS1 Medium term planner: The sinking of the Titanic Y2
This topic provides an exciting addition to the usual famous events taught at KS1. Not only is there a clear,…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ1 – Launching the Titanic enquiry, drawing on pupils’ prior knowledge
What do we already know about the Titanic and what can we work out from a picture? This lesson’s activities…
Read MoreTeaching Scott of the Antarctic to Key Stage 1
Those of you who are thinking that this choice of famous person seems to presage a return to an Our Island…
Read MoreKS1 Medium Term Planner – Man’s First Moon Landing Y2
The current history curriculum at KS1 asks schools to provide a little more coherence in their choice of famous people…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ2 – What was so special about life on the Titanic?
What was so special about life on board the Titanic? and was it the same for everyone? In this enquiry…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ3 – How could the unsinkable Titanic sink?
This Y2 lesson takes pupils understanding beyond that of knowing what happened to the Titanic to work out why it…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ1 – Has man ever been to the moon and how can we know for sure?
Varied introduction to the Moon Landing topic with pupils actively involved in sequencing, speculating and then the killer activity called…
Read MoreKS1 History Planner for Scott of the Antarctic topic
Medium term planning and planner for Scott of the Antarctic KS1 This topic has been designed for Term 3 of…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ1 – Setting up the enquiry – What did Grace do that made her famous …and why is she remembered today?
This is the first lesson on an enquiry into Grace Darling: what she did, and why she was famous. The…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ4 – How should we film the sinking of the Titanic?
Stephen Spielberg has asked for a historically accurate poster for a new film he is planning on the sinking of…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ1 – Who on earth is this famous person?
This fun first lesson on Scott of the Antarctic using the slow reveal technique of an iconic image to enable…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ2 – Why did Grace Darling act in the way she did?
An active lesson in which pupils generate adjectives and then use a Diamond-4 ranking activity, followed by hot seating, to…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ2 – Why did the astronauts risk their lives going to the moon?
This session for KS1 children comprises three distinct activities. Activity 1 – Story telling Activity 2 – Diamond 4 Activity…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ3 – How were they able to get to the moon and back safely?
This lesson focuses on how the astronauts were able to get to the moon and back safely. There are 2…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ2 – How did Scott get to the South Pole and what happened then?
You can use this task on Scott’s journey to the South Pole in a number of ways: as a simple…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ3 – Did Grace Darling really carry out the brave rescue on her own?
This Year 1 lesson on historical interpretations starts with a stark comparison of 2 images of the rescue showing very…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ2b -Scott of the Antarctic: From sequencing to Living graph Key question
This activity enabled children to see how certain events had a positive or a negative effect on Scott’s expedition to…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ4 – What did they do on the moon?
This lesson uses differentiated resources as a starting point to help children access the detail of man’s first steps on…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ3 -Why did Scott risk his life going to the South Pole?
The concept of an intrepid explorer may not be completely alien to even the youngest children as the media does…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ4 – How do we know about Grace Darling’s actions which happened so long ago?
There are two distinct elements to this session. Firstly, pupils develop a sense of period and of evidence by thinking…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ5 – Why weren’t more people saved from the Titanic?
In this problem-solving activity, pupils have to speculate, using a stimulus image and then evaluate a range of given reasons…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ5 – Would you take the Golden Ticket and travel to the moon?
This lesson follows on from lessons introducing the reasons why men first went to the moon, what they did when…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ5 – How did sea rescue improve as a result of Grace Darling’s story?
This session comprises 2 principal activities: matching descriptions of lifeboats to time periods to deepen pupils’ sense of change, continuity…
Read MoreTitanic – KQ6 – What are the best ways of stopping disasters such as the sinking of the Titanic ever happening again?
Pupils are employed as safety advisers to the UK and US governments in the aftermath of the sinking of the…
Read MoreMoon Landing – KQ6 – Commemorating the Moon Landing
How do you think we should remember the first man on the moon on July 21st 1969? What symbol could…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ4 – How do we know what happened on Scott’s last journey? A KS1 smart task
Pupils have already studied Scott’s last journey and have turned a series of events into first a living graph and…
Read MoreGrace Darling – KQ6 – How should we remember Grace Darling?
This last key question of 6 on the medium-term planning, focuses on her legacy and why we should commemorate her….
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ5 – Why did he not get to the South Pole first?
In this lesson in the teaching sequence on Scott as a famous person, or as part of a more integrated…
Read MoreToys – KQ3 – How can we tell these toys are old?
This smart task complements the existing lesson on the site using ICT . Rather than re-write the whole lesson this…
Read MoreToys – KQ4 – What sorts of toys did our grandparents play with and how do we know?
Optional question: What toys did our grandparents get as Christmas presents when they were your age? Start with a discussion…
Read MoreToys – KQ5 – Who played with these toys in the past? and how can we know?
This is particularly suitable as an extension question for the older/ higher attaining pupils in KS1 if you are teaching…
Read MoreToys – KQ6 – How can we set up our own toy museum?
This final KS1 lesson on the Toys topic cements children’s understanding of old and new in an interesting way. Activity…
Read MoreToys old and new: Sorting and setting
This lesson draws on some excellent resources you may not have come across, produced by museums in Bedfordshire and Warwickshire. …
Read MoreOFSTED’s report on teaching of Toys-outstanding lesson
When the inspector entered, the pupils were sitting on the carpet around the teacher. She was gently exploring whether they…
Read MoreHow did Guy Fawkes feel before, during and after the night of the 5th November: pupils do the thinking.
Getting children to think about how Guy Fawkes felt, before, during and after the Gunpowder plot. This simple task, resourced…
Read More10 things history leaders need to know about the new OFSTED 2019 Framework
10 things you need to know about leading history 1. Show you are teaching history You will have to show…
Read MoreSwapping a Great Fire for a volcanic eruption? Looking for a new famous Event at KS1?
In a recent article in the Historical association’s Primary History Sue Townsend makes a very strong case for introducing…
Read MoreGunpowder Plot Smart Task: Dear producer
Over the last few sessions, the children have become familiar with the story of the Gunpowder Plot using a range…
Read More‘Fitness for purpose’ teaching and learning strategies in KS1 history
Throughout the site there are lots of examples of imaginative activities, for both teaching and learning. These need to be…
Read MoreIn Living Memory: Key Stage 1
Comparing pupils’ lives with the recent past not only enables pupils to handle more familiar sources and make direct comparisons…
Read MoreUsing role play area when teaching Castles at KS1
There are at least 6 ways you can help young children make sense of the past using your role play…
Read MoreTeaching Caxton and Bell at Key Stage 1
These two famous people are linked by the theme of communication; spreading the word. Tim Berners-Lee founder of the world…
Read MoreComparing different nursery rhymes: Wee Willie Winkie
This fun lesson uses images and very simple text as well as artefacts. It provides an essential grounding in an…
Read MoreScott of the Antarctic – KQ6 – How should Scott be remembered today?
Exciting finale to the topic sees pupils analysing different ways in which Scott has been commemorated in the past, coming…
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