Out of the window

Children are shown three images of scenes from the different periods as seen through a window. They have to identify characteristic features from each of the three periods.

Learning objectives

  • Pupils are able to see main differences in how Britain would have looked in three distinct periods and identify what they consider to be characteristic features.

Suggested approach

Step 1

Explain that the children will be looking out of three windows today: one onto a world 500 years ago, one onto a world 200 years ago and one onto a more recent world 70 years ago. This helps reinforce the language and concept of time which for young children is like picking up mercury with a fork.

Step 2

Now for the activity called Out of the window. Children are shown three images of scenes from the three different periods in which the queens ruled, as seen through a window. They have to identify characteristic features from each of the three periods.

Step 3

Start with slide 2 from the reign of Elizabeth I.

By offering a clear visual scene with a lot of action, most pupils have the opportunity to make at least a simplistic

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