What was so special about life on board the Titanic? and was it the same for everyone?

In this enquiry pupils play Prove it! using a gallery of images to test the evidence and who said that? to explore diversity on board ship.  Creatively, they design their own advert pointing out what was so special about this ship and write an informed postcard home from a specific passenger.

This enquiry comprises three motivating activities:
1. Prove it/ Gallery
2. Designing an advert
3. Who said it?

Learning objectives

  • Children are able to deduce from clues what was so special about this ship
  • Children make simple deductions about contrasting life styles of lst and 3rd class in particular
  • Children can describe typical ways in which different passengers passed their time

Start this enquiry by showing slide 2 which is an advert for a voyage on Titanic’s maiden voyage.  Can children think why the Titanic might be thought of as so special at the time and why so many wanted to travel on her.  There are some clues in the picture  (Latest, Finest, Largest, First voyage)

Step 1

Now help pupils to get a sense of what life was like on-board by

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