Children discuss the reasons they might have for going on a seaside holiday NOW and then think of the different reasons why people might have gone 100 years ago. Slides 2 and 3 of the PowerPoint provide some clues. Slide 4 reinforces the key ideas, with animated captions. Slide 5 then focuses more on the text, drawing out additional points.
Learning objective
- Children grasp that reasons for going on holiday today are different from 100 years ago and can give 2 valid reasons why Victorians flocked to the seaside.
To consolidate their understanding, children are then given a list of 12 possible reasons which might relate to the motives for going on a seaside holiday 100 years ago provided on RS1. Pupils have to sort these into three piles: ‘True’, ‘Made up/untrue’ and ‘Might be true/unsure’. The task can obviously be simplified into just 2 piles, and with 6 rather than 12 reasons for those who need more initial support.
You might then like to record pupils’ understanding by asking them to complete three speech bubbles, printed from slide 6 of the PowerPoint.