This lesson focuses on how the astronauts were able to get to the moon and back safely.
There are 2 activities to engage the pupils, activity 1 – sequencing images and activity 2 that focusses on subject specific vocabulary.
Learning objectives
- Pupils show knowledge and understanding of the main stages in the outward and return voyages.
- They can apply this knowledge along with logical thinking to work out the sequence where they are uncertain.
- They can use subject-specific vocabulary to add detail and authenticity to their spoken commentary of the narrative
Activity 1: Sequencing images
Provided on the PowerPoint for KQ3 are 8 numbered images, each representing a stage in the outward and return legs of the Apollo 11 mission. Rather than ask pupils to sequence all 8 at once, I suggest that you divide the class into 2 halves. Assuming a class of 32, group A would be subdivided