The current history curriculum at KS1 asks schools to provide a little more coherence in their choice of famous people to study, suggesting that they might be linked by theme. Here we have a possible theme of flight which links earlier work on the Wright brothers and Amy Johnson to the Moon Landing, a link demonstrated by Neil Armstrong taking to the moon a small fragment of wood from the Flyer.
This topic has proved to be an enduring favourite over the last 20 years, not only with the pupils but also with their parents/guardians and grandparents. Although there are obviously strong cross-curricular links with Art (clay foot prints / use of marbling when painting the solar system, sketching from memory); Technology (moon buggies in Lego;) Science (gravity); Numeracy (counting backwards-timelines), and Literacy (diary writing/comparing texts) what features here is simply the history-led work which anchors and gives purpose to the other subjects’ contributions.