This very short task is preliminary to the major task that follows in KQ6 which explores how we should commemorate Louis’ achievement. It is important that they consider the crucial role his character played. His single-minded determination from one so young is simply extraordinary and inspiring. It’s really important that these rare qualities are brought out so they don’t just focus on the mechanics of the system.
Learning objective
- Pupils are able to offer appropriate adjectives to describe Louis’ character with some citing examples from his life when he showed these characteristics e.g. courage, determination, intelligence.
Activity 1
Pupils start by generating possible adjectives to describe Braille’s special qualities, drawing on their knowledge of the story of his life and the hot seating from session 3. Capture these on the IWB for future reference.
Activity 2
Pupils are then given a list of 13 possible adjectives on PowerPoint slide 2