This session comprises 3 key activities, so it is important to devote sufficient time to it.
Please note that activities 2 and 3 are particularly challenging and were taught to a high-attaining group of pupils. You may want to modify the activities, beyond the suggestions I have made, to make it more accessible for your pupils.
Learning objectives
- Children listen to the story and then identify key episodes in Braille’s life.
- They can sequence 6 key events in his life.
- They can confidently see moments in Louis life which were happy and sad.
Step 1
Start by telling the story of Louis’ life. Use the 12-slide illustrated PowerPoint RS1 to take the children through the main events of his life, stressing the ones that were key turning points. It’s obviously better if you rely on your own story-telling skills, so the slides are there for illustration and factual prompting.