This session comprises two activities.
Activity 1 – Pupils try to work out why Braille might be famous from visual clues. Discuss how blind people can read today. They handle Braille cards with their eyes shut.
Activity 2 – They decode 2 simple words in Braille, one together one on their own. NB Be careful not to turn this into a light- hearted game. Stress how amazing it is that a simple system was invented by a 15 year old boy when men had failed before him, and it has lasted so long after his death, still used today.
Learning objectives
- Children are able to draw conclusions from simple visual clues.
- They are aware that Braille is used in society today to help people who have lost their sight or were born blind
- Pupils are able to decode simple words in Braille.
- Pupils can make links over a period of