This session comprises three distinct phases. The first is mime-based, looking at the firefighting methods used and discussing their disadvantages. The second looks at what action was taken to stop the fire spreading and the third at the issue of at culpability for not doing more. Who should take the blame?
Learning objectives
- Pupils understand that there was initial hesitation
- They grasp that most citizens were then more concerned about saving their belongings than putting out the fire When they did try hard (Tues-Thurs)
- They met with some success
- The know that the Mayor Thomas Bludworth was scapegoated
Step 1
Pupils are shown a range of fire fighting methods from contemporary sources using PowerPoint slides 2-7. They are then shown a brief 3 minute video clip from the Museum of London which shows most of them in use. View clip (external from 4 minutes 13 seconds) >>
Step 2