Pupils listen to an illustrated description of main episodes Columbus life which they then sequence from the jumbled images provided before creating a whole-class talking timeline of Columbus’ life using time connectives to make it flow well.
Learning objectives
- Pupils can sequence at least 5 significant events in his life
- Pupils can select appropriate connectives to link events in time e.g.After, next, then, later, soon.
Step 1
Tell the story of Columbus life using the 15 illustrated slides on the PowerPoint to help provide a structure.
Step 2
To secure pupils’ understanding of the narrative, you might like to use the short animated film
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt7IiKuYMBY&t=27s. in which modern day children as presenters interview Columbus. Although this was designed foe KS2 pupils, because it follows your detailed story telling, most pupils should benefit from it
Step 3
To consolidate pupils’ understanding ask them to work in small groups