kenilworth castleThis is a great topic. Not only does it make the Homes topic really come alive, but it also helps low attaining pupils to grasp what really old means. The contrasts with the present are so clear-cut that all can get involved. And they love it! Build in a visit and the whole topic takes off! In the medium term planning section you can find Sarisbury Infant School’s attempt to integrate a range of subjects. What I like about this school’s planning is the way they bring in subjects at the most appropriate time. They plan as a flow diagram, not a spider diagram, which helps so much to see the topic from the learners’ perspective not the teacher’s brainstorm.

castles knowledge organiser
Castles knowledge organiser – KS1

You are learning about castles because they are one of the most fascinating buildings that have been there for hundreds…

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castle planner
Castles – medium term planner

The main focus of this topic is the exploration of the past beyond living memory through a topic that is…

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Castles – KQ1 – What makes a castle a castle?

Having elicited pupils’ initial knowledge of castles from books film and family visits, pupils are asked to explore a number…

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kenilworth castle
Castles – KQ2 – Why did people build castles in the past?

This session is straightforward in that pupils are introduced via a short video to a variety of reasons which not…

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castles kq3
Castles – KQ3 – What made castles so strong?

Rather than going through all the different methods used chronologically, this really fun session focuses on one year and casts…

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castle kq4
Castles – KQ4 – What were medieval castles like to live in and how can we possibly know when so many are now ruins?

This five-part lesson starts with pupils in role as workers for company charged with recreating what a medieval castle would…

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castles kq5
Castles – KQ5 – How did castles change over time?

This lesson starts with encouraging pupils to spot differences between 3 castles to give them confidence before working in groups…

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castle kq6
Castles – KQ6 – How are castles used today?

Pupils have to deduce from a range of visual clues of castles they will see around them, the uses to…

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Using role play area when teaching Castles at KS1

There are at least 6 ways you can help young children make sense of the past using your role play…

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