Having listened to an illustrated description of Amelia’s early life, pupils have to select suitable adjectives to describe her character using the odd-one-out options on the PowerPoint presentation to check their understanding
Learning objectives
- Pupils are able to describe at least 3 revealing moments from Amelia’s early years
- They can select appropriate adjectives to describe Amelia’s character and can relate early events in her life to the qualities needed to be a successful aviator
Step 1: Story telling
Using the text provided as RS1 tell the story of Amelia’s early life. At 10 moments in the story ( highlighted on the script), show pupils relevant slides from the PowerPoint presentation to bring Amelia’s early days to life. This sets her pioneering work in context by referring to how soon after the Wright brothers she became interested in aviation.
Step 2
Based on what they have heard, pupils have to consider