This a much shorter enquiry than the others, and comprises just three short activities

Step 1

Having recapped the story of Mary’s life, ask pupils to work in small groups to generate adjectives to describe Mary’s character.

Step 2

Pupils are then shown a list of pre-prepared adjectives on slide 2 of the Key question 3 PowerPoint. Which do they think are the most appropriate to describe Mary, and which aren’t applicable at all? Pupils cheer or boo as the adjectives appear!

Step 3

Pupils have to match adjectives with actions using slide 4 of the PPt . Which action shows:
– She was brave when she walked under the rocks that fell down when looking for fossils
– She was clever because when could tell how all the bones fitted together in a dinosaur skeleton
– She was determined to do everything she could to get enough money for the family after her father died
– She was curious to know more about fossils and dinosaurs
– You will want to add your own examples too.

Step 4

Using slide 5 show how the odds were stacked against Mary, yet she still managed to achieve so much for one

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