Medium term planning and planner for Going to the Seaside KS1
This history topic has been designed to be taught in Year 1 Term 3 and the literacy links make that assumption but there is plenty of challenge for Y2 pupils as well. The downloadable planner below has 6 key questions and suggested lessons/activities and resources – most of the fully resourced lessons and tasks can be found on the site, the others will follow shortly.
If working with older children, move beyond the idea of similarity and difference to focus on change through time, comparing the 1900s with the 1960s and today. The early key questions focus mainly on establishing the key period features of a seaside holiday 100 years ago before asking how we know and then exploring how seaside holidays have changed. Finally pupils are asked which period seaside holidays they would prefer.
To see how this history-led topic would fit into a broader cross-curricular approach with Geography see the separate article on the site. For the assessment task go to KS1 assessment tasks section of the site.