A key part of motivating infants in history is providing interesting practical products that really stimulate their interest. When so many young pupils naturally find it difficult to communicate their ideas in written form, we need other interesting ways of enabling them to show that they are learning effectively, and enjoying communicating their understanding. This section of the site offers you over 20 really imaginative ideas to extend your repertoire. Many of these you will have used from time to time, perhaps in other subjects. They do not claim to be original but they should serve as a useful aide memoire when you start planning a new topic. As more ideas get fed into the site so this section will grow even larger. As it stands, there will definitely be something here you cannot wait to try out.
Audio guide. Children produce a commentary describing what is happening on the beach to accompany a new museum display that will allow children’s commentary to be heard on a personal headset.
Conscience alley. Pupils stand in two groups e.g. for or against more space travel. They have to persuade a wavering pupil. The two groups stand in line facing each other