Please note: Neil no longer travels to work with staff in their schools. Exceptionally, and following discussion with Neil of the nature of the work, it may be possible to carry out correspondence by email, whereby Neil evaluates and suggests how plans can be improved.
Neil acts as an educational consultant for history for primary and secondary schools throughout the country. His innovative thinking on history in the curriculum is both extensive and up-to-date. Not only does he run this website, he also writes new curriculum materials for leading publishers , works intensively with schools especially for whole-school training days and one-to-one with subject leaders .
In the last few years he has:
– worked closely over a long period and with a school near Slough, helping to create: a high-quality long-term plan and skills overview with accompanying rationale, clear outcomes from each topic in therms of key knowledge and development of specific strands of historical understanding; what progression looks like in the context of the topics chosen for particular years; and 2 assessment tasks and markschemes for each year group
– worked closely and intensively with all teachers in primary schools in Clapham, Walthamstow, Bournemouth, Hampshire and Hounslow, significantly raising standards in history at KS1 and 2 over a 3 year period
– supported a number of secondary school history departments, mainly in Hampshire, Nottinghamshire, East Sussex and Berkshire
– Worked as history consultant for History Bombs videos which won the 2017 BAFTA for best learning resources for KS2 and 3
– Written some of the Teachers’ guides for the new Hodder Education GCSE history textbooks
– Acted as consultant for companies producing TV series for KS1 and 2
– Planned and delivered over 100 in-service history training courses for primary and secondary teachers for three major national INSET providers on a wide range of topics covering all key stages
– run CDP events for history on behalf of advisory staff in London , East Sussex, Cornwall and Hounslow
– run whole-staff INSET days for 18 primary schools, as well as Initial Teacher Training courses
– In previous years Neil has worked closely with QCA on KS3 assessment in history and wrote a whole section of the National Strategy Foundation Stage material on Engagement.
You might like to look at the comments of headteachers about Neil’s work in both primary and secondary schools.
Sheila Campbell, headteacher at Wyvern Technology College, nr Southampton writes
“Over the period of the last fifteen years, Neil has been our best inspector. He not only is a very high-quality historian but also is very perceptive at improving teaching and learning in a history classroom and can expand this with regard…to the whole school.”
Helen Fletcher-Davis a primary headteacher at South Farnborough Infants writes:
“Neil inspired teaching and non-teaching staff to bring history to life finding innovative ways for them to experience it. Neil is passionate about the importance of the right kind of history teaching and expert at imparting that to teachers and children. History in our school is richer as a result of Neil’s input.”
Having spent 18 years as the county history adviser/inspector for Hampshire LA, working with 450 primary schools and 70 secondaries, Neil is very adept at tailoring support packages to suit school’s precise requirements.
Please contact us here is you wish to discuss consultancy with Neil.