She sells sea shells: planning a topic on Mary Anning, Dinosaur hunter, using the Anholt’s Stone girl, Bone girl
“Would you like to go Dinosaur hunting? Well one young girl did when she wasn’t much older than you and became famous all over the world.”
The sample page of planning (see downloadable resource), for one of 6 key questions, shows the associated activities, all of which are fully resourced. You can find them in the outstanding lesson section above.
In the full medium term planner (available to subscribers) there are imaginative suggestions for cross-curricular learning in Art, Music and Science as well as use of a home corner. Thinking skills lie at the heart of all the activities so you’ll give your pupils a rich diet of living graphs, concentric circles, and movie making. Wherever possible drama is used to bring the topic alive through still imaging, and role play. The range of outcomes is particularly varied , including annotated fortunes graphs, character profiles, short movies, museum captions and even their own fossil music!
Images from Stone Girl, Bone Girl by Laurence Anholt illustrated by Sheila Moxley used in the PowerPoint presentation are reproduced with kind permission of Frances Lincoln.