It is a truth universally acknowledged that it not good for one’s health to read OFSTED reports in the summer when schools are on holiday. But sometimes it pays to see what might be sipping through the net during the ‘silly season’ . The recent crop of extremely dull reports was just sending me into some mind-numbing slumber when I came across this as one of three, presumably serious, recommendations that one beleaguered primary school was expected to enact , namely
“Curriculum leaders need to develop the skills to hold staff to account more effectively in their subject area”.
Just how realistic is this, and how fair? Even if it was desirable (and I would need persuading that this was not the headteacher’s job), how feasible would it be to train all subjects leaders to be able to do this well,when many history leaders I know are often inexperienced ,part-time, and nearly always unpaid for the extra responsibility.
If you do know of a school that IS doing this well, I’d love to hear from you and to find out from them. In the meantime, you might find it helpful; to read the detailed leadership section of the site which outlines what I think subject leaders ought to be making as their priorities for history.