A fun thinking skills activity in which pupils infer from visual clues before moving on to analyse a range of influence cards and evaluate a video before coming up with their own explanation for the Anglo-Saxons invasion.

This activity is part of a series of activities/lessons that are outlined on the Medium Term Planner with key questions, learning objectives, recommended learning activities and assessment for teaching the topic Anglo Saxon Britain.

Learning objectives

  • Pupils learn to ask high quality historical questions.
  • They grasp that we are still finding out about the Saxons 1300 hundred years later.
  • They know that the Staffordshire hoard is the largest collection of gold and silver yet found.
  • Pupils understand that by end of 4th C, even before Roman troops left, there were invaders: Irish and Picts in West and North; Saxons from Europe part of North Germany and Scandinavia.
  • They can locate key periods on a timeline, showing how they overlap.
  • They know that it was not until 8thC that word English was used to describe people of South Britain.
  • Pupils understand where Angles, Saxons, Jutes came from. They can give a few simple reasons and more able can classify these into push and pull
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