You are learning about Scott as he was one of Britain’s most famous explorers. Perhaps you are studying other explorers too such a Columbus or even the men who first went to the moon. Scott lived over 100 years ago in a very different age when there were no mobile phones, no internet and the first planes had only just taken to the skies. To attempt what Scott did in going to the unconquered Antarctic , with just a small group of men in freezing conditions with very simple tents and clothes and only dogs to help transport the equipment, was truly heroic. Although a Norwegian, called Amundsen, got to the South Pole just before him and Scott and his party didn’t survive the return journey, he is still admired for his fantastic courage and determination and was an example for later explorers to follow. As many as 30 statues were put up in his honour in the years after his last expedition but today some people think he made mistakes in managing the expedition.

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