Teaching about the past in EYFS

Although most schools and settings prefer not to refer to history as a discrete subject on the Early Years curriculum, there is always a lot of talk about the past, often through the use of story books. This has proved to be a useful preparation for the more formal KS1 Programme of Study. Now, for the first time we find in the revised Early Learning Goals a more explicit reference to teaching about the past.

A new Early Years Foundation Stage framework will become statutory from September 2021. The actual curriculum for EYFS is not changing. There will still be seven areas of learning and development, categorised as either prime or specific. The three prime areas will remain as Personal, social and emotional development, Communication, language and literacy and Physical development. The four specific areas will remain as Mathematics, Literacy, Expressive arts and design and Understanding the world which is where history fits in.

So, what exactly is changing for September 2021

The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) – the knowledge, skills and understanding children should have at the end of their Reception year – have changed within each area of learning. These new Early

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